There is no limit to what can be learnt, and often the most rewarding form of education is completely self-taught. Using the wise words of renowned author and professor of biochemistry, Isaac Asimov “Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is.”
People who take the time and initiative to pursue knowledge on their own tend to be trail-blazers, entrepreneurial and leaders; key qualities that every good leader should possess.
If you’re interested in learning something new, please visit Future Learn and start exploring the various ways you can develop a critical mindset to navigate our rapidly changing world.
Please note that it is free to join and study any Future Learn course. At the end of the course, learners are offered the opportunity to purchase a certificate. The price includes both a digital and printed version, and VAT or local sales tax. Purchasing one is optional.
More information on these can be found here
Good luck!!!
PD Management Team