We recently conducted a survey to uncover the challenges, needs and wants of the PD Alumni. The results were insightful, 100% of the respondents conveyed a strong desire to be accepted for who they are. Although our members are incredibly bright and confident young women, many (if not all) still struggle with showing their true selves. In a society that praises beauty, accomplishment, and wealth, it seems women will never be good enough unless they appear to have it all. Hiding behind a smile is among the key ways young women combat the pressures of superficiality to discover their passions, pleasures, and purposes.
Here at Pink Dynasty, we believe it is imperative to have honest discussions about anxiety and depression, there are so many people suffering in silence, too afraid to open up about their personal/professional challenges. Accordingly, we are keen to help our members and other young women manage stress, particularly during difficult times.
By providing everyday examples of women managing overwhelming expectations, this opens the door for candid, life-changing conversations about life and inspires young women to be themselves!
To take part in our #BehindMySmile campaign, please email hello@pinkdynasty.org.
Many thanks,
PD Management