With the support of the Diane Abbott Foundation, we hosted an event called ‘A Seat and the Table’ in the House of Commons yesterday (November 28). Our goal was to empower young women from marginalised backgrounds to have their voices heard in the place where our country’s policies and laws are debated.

Generally the term “having a seat at the table” is reserved for those who are considered to have both the influence and power to make decisions and effect change.

But there is much more behind coming to the table than simply taking a seat.

During the discussion, we came to the conclusion that “having a seat at the table” is about seizing the opportunity to be heard, becoming the voice for those who are marginalised, and work with those who hold power to make positive changes in society, that benefits all people not just the elite.

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Many thanks to our special guests Anna-Maria Ronnqvist (Strong Woman World Champion), Cuppy (International DJ and Philanthropist), and Geraldine Haley (Executive Leadership Coach) for taking time out of their busy schedules to share their stories about the path to leadership in predominantly male environments.

Last but not least, thanks to all the attendees for participating in such an inspiring debate, we truly appreciate your support and hope to see you again at future events!